The blast of heat that flooded the cabin of the twin engine prop plane that brought our OCMC Mission Team to Lodwar, Kenya in February, 2010 was a shock. Less than 48-hours earlier we began our epic journey to East Africa shivering on the grounds of Holy Cross Seminary waiting for our bags to be loaded into the vans that took us to Logan International airport.
Our team, nine strong, was comprised of two priests, four seminary students, and three laypeople. We had been invited by His Eminence Makarios, Archbishop of Kenya, to proclaim the Gospel and share Christ with the Turkana – the people indigenous to the extreme northwestern region of Kenya.
As we marched across the gravel air strip we were greeted by the beaming smile of Fr. Vladimir Lonyuduk, an Orthodox priest serving in Lodwar. Our Team was blessed to have Fr. Vladimir Aleandro and Matushka Suzanne who led the very first OCMC Mission Team to Lodwar in 2007. These two priests worked closely together for nearly a month in 2007 and had kept in regular contact ever since. The joyful reunion was but a foretaste of the many incredible blessings that this team witnessed over the course of our two week stay in one of the harshest, most inhospitable environments some of us had ever experienced.
The mission of our Team was to teach and evangelize the Turkana of five communities in and around Lodwar. Some of the people we met were Orthodox, but many of them were not even Christian. We had the help of three Turkana Orthodox priests (Fr. Vladimir, Fr. Zachariah, and Fr. Makarios) to help us to understand Turkana culture and to translate the message we had traveled so many miles to share. The partnership our team enjoyed with these priests was vital. Through them we were able to offer a Christian witness in a way that supplemented their own ministries.
The Turkana are primarily nomadic pastoralists. Families rove large swatches of land as they graze their cattle in search of grass and water (one of the rarest commodities in the region). This area of Kenya is ravaged by cyclical drought, which often wreaks havoc on the livestock that lie at the heart of the Turkana culture and economy. These periods of drought often force people to walk, sometimes more than 10 miles per day, simply for water.
Our team was there in the midst of one of these crippling drought cycles, which occur about every eight to ten years. People in the villages where we preached were only able to eat because of regular food distributions from NGOs (non-government organizations) that were working to stave off cataclysmic famine in the area.
In spite of these struggles, we would regularly see hundreds of people at the seminars we held. Fr. Martin Ritsi (OCMC’s Executive Director and our team leader) and Fr. Vladimir Aleandro celebrated the Liturgy and administered the sacraments as often as possible. Because of the extreme remoteness of these villages (over three hours by jeep from Lodwar), those Turkana who are Orthodox only get to partake of the Eucharist when one of their priests is able to hire transport out to their village.
The people looked hungry, thirsty, and tired. There was an unending plea for food and water. In spite of this great need, we were always greeted with song and dance. Knowing that the people who came to attend the seminars had traveled many miles and sacrificed a day’s labor to be with us, we made food available everywhere we went.
The Holy Spirit was overtly present for the entire time we were in Kenya. Rain, which people hadn’t seen in weeks, seemed to follow our team wherever it went. We heard some of the most powerful stories of conversion imaginable. People who had accepted Christ into their lives reported improved relationships with neighbors and relatives and being filled with a sense of hope that carried them through the immense struggles that they faced.
We were blessed with many opportunities to share the Faith. In Lupala, we showed a movie about the life of Jesus that had been translated into Turkana. Bathed in the blue glow of a video that was projected through a laptop computer onto a sheet that was hung from fence made of palm fronds, over 200 people gathered under the stars to receive the message of the Gospel. It was the first time that some of them had ever seen a movie.
The next day, Fr. Zachariah led us on a 45-minute hike across the desert to meet with a man known as an Emuron in a village neighboring Lupala. The Emuron are very important figures in the traditional Turkana belief system, which is centered on the worship of a deity named Akuj. Emuron serve as shaman and prophets for the Turkana. They determine what, and when, sacrifices should be made to Akuj and without permission from an Emuron the people of a village will not gather.
The Emuron had been told to expect us, but it had rained the night before making the trek to the village quite difficult. Our team, along with Fr. Vladimir, Fr. Makarios, and Fr. Zachariah arrived at this man’s village only to find that he had gone to tend his heard assuming that we were not coming on account of the conditions. Someone from the village ran to fetch him. As he approached our group, he shared how amazed he was to see that we had made the long journey to see him. No missionary, apparently, had ever visited his village.
His face was haggard with deep lines hardened by the wind and sand. The clothing he wore was unassuming - no different then the other Turkana we had met. In fact, it would have been difficult to differentiate him from any of the other villagers were it not for the air of authority that preceded him. So we sat, nine white-faced missionaries and three Turkana priests on one side and him (and only him) on the other. The Holy Spirit must have prepared the heart of this man prior to our arrival because after a brief 15-minute conversation, he invited Fr. Zachariah to gather the people of his village to talk with them about Christ. In that very moment our team witnessed what we pray will be the beginning of a new Orthodox community.
OCMC is committed to continuing this vital mission work among the Turkana. We, the Orthodox faithful of North America, have a beautiful opportunity to help Fr. Vladimir, Fr. Makarios, and Fr. Zachariah share Christ’s message of hope and salvation with people who may have never before heard it.
This witness must address both the significant physical and spiritual needs that exist among the Turkana. In 2010, OCMC will begin construction of a well in Lupala, provide financial assistance to a nursery in Lodwar, prepare to construct a new church, and most importantly help Fr. Vladimir, Fr. Makarios, and Fr. Zachariah to reach their fellow Turkana with the Gospel to name a few.
To help raise awareness and support of these efforts OCMC is inviting parishes and organizations across the country to hold mission walks. Participants will have an opportunity to journey in solidarity with our Turkana brothers and sisters who have to travel extreme distances everyday simply for food and water.
Information on OCMC’s 2010 Missions Walk for the Turkana can be found by visiting We pray that the people of your parish or organization will be inspired to walk, so the Turkana won’t have to, and so they can be welcomed into our Orthodox family as members of the Body of Christ.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
OCMC Board Gathers to Elect New Officers
New officers were elected as the Board of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) gathered at the Archbishop Anastasios and Archbishop Demetrios Missionary Training and Administration Building in St. Augustine, FL, for its Annual Spring Board Meeting.
Fr. George Liacopulos, pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Egg Harbor Township, NJ will assume the role of Board President. Formerly the Board Secretary, Fr. George holds a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary and is the author of “Lights of the Modern World: Orthodox Christian Mission and Evangelism in the United States” published by Light and Life, along with numerous papers. He also lectures frequently and has taught at several institutions. Fr. Lou Christopulos of St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church in Greenwood Village, CO will serve as Vice-President. Mr. William O. Birchfield III of Jacksonville, FL (Orthodox Church in America) will continue in the position of Treasurer; and the duties of Board Secretary will now fall on Dr. Gayle Woloschak of Chicago (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA) Mr. John Hrapchak of Columbia, MD (American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese) was also welcomed as OCMC’s newest Board Member.
They will continue the work undertaken by the Board’s previous officers, which were led by Mr. Clifford Argue. Over the course of Mr. Argue’s two terms as Board President the OCMC saw the adoption of a five-year strategic plan, a further articulation of the OCMC vision to make disciples of all nations; the design, construction and opening of the new Mission Center – the first permanent structure ever built for an agency of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA); and the addition of an Associate Director. Each of these major accomplishments helped to grow the OCMC’s base of supporters, raise awareness of missions among the faithful in North America, and encourage an increasing number of Orthodox Christians to answer their call to missions through service as long-term missionaries or short-term mission team members.
Prior to these elections the Board continued to hone OCMC’s future thinking through the work of the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on Monday, April 19th. The committee, chaired by retiring Board member and Vice President Fr. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, worked on restating and clarifying OCMC’s vision, mission, and values as a basis for preparing an updated and revised Strategic Plan. This work will continue in the months ahead for eventual review and adoption by the full Board.
Sessions of the general board meeting took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. During these sessions, Mr. Argue reflected on his tenure as Board President and thanked everyone, both Board and Staff for working so well as a team in support of the Great Commission; and OCMC Executive Director Fr. Martin briefed the board on the progress the staff had made on the organization’s 2010 operational plan. Highlights from Fr. Martin’s report included the deployment of two new long-term missionaries (Charita Stavrou and James Hargrave) to Tanzania and the record number of volunteers (117) that have been approved to serve on OCMC Mission Teams. Fr. Martin also described his trip in February with an OCMC Team to northern Kenya where a number of people in the Turkana tribe have been recently received into Orthodoxy, and many more in remote villages who have no knowledge of Christ, are ready to be catechized and baptized. More information on OCMC efforts in this region will be forthcoming in the near future.
In keeping with their fiduciary responsibilities, Board members reviewed in detail and adopted the 2009 financial results presented by the Audit/Finance Committee Chair Mr. Birchfield, as well as the first quarter of 2010 figures. Independent external auditor Gregory Korn, C.P.A. of Jacksonville presented his findings to the Board giving a clean audit with no discrepancies for 2009. OCMC financial reports can be found at The Board also discussed the need for continued emphasis on and participation in Development opportunities including annual giving, major gifts, Friends of Missions, Support A Mission Priest, AGAPE canisters, and special events such as Mission Sunday, local and regional dinners, book-signings, golf tournaments, and Mission walks.
On the evening of Tuesday the 20th, a benefit banquet was held at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL. This event, which was organized by OCMC Board Members Bruce Humphrey and Nassim Elias and hosted by Fr. Kamal al-Rahil and the community at St. George, saw over 100 attendees. OCMC’s first Executive Director Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos opened and closed the evening with prayer. During the banquet, Fr. Martin gave a talk on the storied history of Orthodox missions in North America. He also shared some of the work that the OCMC has been doing around the world including among the Turkana tribe of northern Kenya. Mr. Argue was recognized for his years of service as Board President with the gift of a mounted icon of the Great Commission.
In spite of a persistently perilous global economic environment, the OCMC continues to proclaim the Gospel of Christ around the world. The new OCMC Board officers will face challenges in the coming years, but emboldened by the Holy Spirit and equipped with a deepening understanding of missions the OCMC will strive to welcome an increasing number of people into the Body of Christ on behalf of all Orthodox faithful. Please join us in praying for and supporting this work and those who will answer the call to make it all possible. Go to or call 1-877-GO-FORTH (877-463-6784)
Fr. George Liacopulos, pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Egg Harbor Township, NJ will assume the role of Board President. Formerly the Board Secretary, Fr. George holds a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary and is the author of “Lights of the Modern World: Orthodox Christian Mission and Evangelism in the United States” published by Light and Life, along with numerous papers. He also lectures frequently and has taught at several institutions. Fr. Lou Christopulos of St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church in Greenwood Village, CO will serve as Vice-President. Mr. William O. Birchfield III of Jacksonville, FL (Orthodox Church in America) will continue in the position of Treasurer; and the duties of Board Secretary will now fall on Dr. Gayle Woloschak of Chicago (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA) Mr. John Hrapchak of Columbia, MD (American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese) was also welcomed as OCMC’s newest Board Member.
They will continue the work undertaken by the Board’s previous officers, which were led by Mr. Clifford Argue. Over the course of Mr. Argue’s two terms as Board President the OCMC saw the adoption of a five-year strategic plan, a further articulation of the OCMC vision to make disciples of all nations; the design, construction and opening of the new Mission Center – the first permanent structure ever built for an agency of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA); and the addition of an Associate Director. Each of these major accomplishments helped to grow the OCMC’s base of supporters, raise awareness of missions among the faithful in North America, and encourage an increasing number of Orthodox Christians to answer their call to missions through service as long-term missionaries or short-term mission team members.
Prior to these elections the Board continued to hone OCMC’s future thinking through the work of the Strategic Planning Committee meeting on Monday, April 19th. The committee, chaired by retiring Board member and Vice President Fr. Chad Hatfield, Chancellor of St. Vladimir’s Seminary, worked on restating and clarifying OCMC’s vision, mission, and values as a basis for preparing an updated and revised Strategic Plan. This work will continue in the months ahead for eventual review and adoption by the full Board.
Sessions of the general board meeting took place on Tuesday and Wednesday. During these sessions, Mr. Argue reflected on his tenure as Board President and thanked everyone, both Board and Staff for working so well as a team in support of the Great Commission; and OCMC Executive Director Fr. Martin briefed the board on the progress the staff had made on the organization’s 2010 operational plan. Highlights from Fr. Martin’s report included the deployment of two new long-term missionaries (Charita Stavrou and James Hargrave) to Tanzania and the record number of volunteers (117) that have been approved to serve on OCMC Mission Teams. Fr. Martin also described his trip in February with an OCMC Team to northern Kenya where a number of people in the Turkana tribe have been recently received into Orthodoxy, and many more in remote villages who have no knowledge of Christ, are ready to be catechized and baptized. More information on OCMC efforts in this region will be forthcoming in the near future.
In keeping with their fiduciary responsibilities, Board members reviewed in detail and adopted the 2009 financial results presented by the Audit/Finance Committee Chair Mr. Birchfield, as well as the first quarter of 2010 figures. Independent external auditor Gregory Korn, C.P.A. of Jacksonville presented his findings to the Board giving a clean audit with no discrepancies for 2009. OCMC financial reports can be found at The Board also discussed the need for continued emphasis on and participation in Development opportunities including annual giving, major gifts, Friends of Missions, Support A Mission Priest, AGAPE canisters, and special events such as Mission Sunday, local and regional dinners, book-signings, golf tournaments, and Mission walks.
On the evening of Tuesday the 20th, a benefit banquet was held at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL. This event, which was organized by OCMC Board Members Bruce Humphrey and Nassim Elias and hosted by Fr. Kamal al-Rahil and the community at St. George, saw over 100 attendees. OCMC’s first Executive Director Bishop Dimitrios of Xanthos opened and closed the evening with prayer. During the banquet, Fr. Martin gave a talk on the storied history of Orthodox missions in North America. He also shared some of the work that the OCMC has been doing around the world including among the Turkana tribe of northern Kenya. Mr. Argue was recognized for his years of service as Board President with the gift of a mounted icon of the Great Commission.
In spite of a persistently perilous global economic environment, the OCMC continues to proclaim the Gospel of Christ around the world. The new OCMC Board officers will face challenges in the coming years, but emboldened by the Holy Spirit and equipped with a deepening understanding of missions the OCMC will strive to welcome an increasing number of people into the Body of Christ on behalf of all Orthodox faithful. Please join us in praying for and supporting this work and those who will answer the call to make it all possible. Go to or call 1-877-GO-FORTH (877-463-6784)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Help OCMC Share the Gospel by Holding a Walk for Missions in 2010
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) invites your parish to hold a walk that will help raise support and awareness for missions among the Turkana tribe of northern Kenya. Many of the Turkana have never heard the Gospel, but thanks to the efforts of the Orthodox Church through the OCMC and three priests serving in the region, these people are being presented with Christ’s message of hope and salvation for the first time. 2010 efforts among the Turkana include: building a well, assisting a nursery, preparing to construct a church, and most importantly, helping these local clergy to reach more people with the Gospel. Please prayerfully consider holding a walk in support of these efforts. For more information or to register your community to hold a walk visit: or call OCMC Annual Gifts Officer, Mr. Kenneth Kidd at 1-877-GO-FORTH.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Volunteer Opportunity at the Orthodox Christian Mission Center
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), located in St. Augustine, FL, is seeking 8 volunteers to join their Thank You Calling Team. Individuals on this team will make calls each month to OCMC donors thanking them for their gifts on behalf of OCMC. Solicitation is not a part of this program. Training and orientation will be provided, and calls can be made from the OCMC offices or from home if the volunteer has unlimited calling. The time commitment is 3-4 hours per month and volunteers don't have to reside in north Florida. Calling lists will be provided via email. To find out more information, or to volunteer to become a part of this team, contact Kenneth Kidd, OCMC Annual Gifts Officer, at 904-829-5132, Ext. 161 or at
Monday, April 19, 2010
We Need Your Help: Give 10 in 2010
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Christ is Risen!
Your help is needed. Every year the Agape Canister Program, as a core component of OCMC's work to "make disciples of all nations," issues grants to numerous philanthropic projects like orphanages, medical clinics, and feeding programs around the world.
Please help us to fund this year’s grants. The efforts that these grants make possible are vital. In May, for example, an Agape grant will be used to purchase medicines for Uganda; and Fr. Stephanos Boik is counting on an Agape grant to help fund the St. Thomas House Orphanage, home to 25 Indonesian children, this July.
Please consider making a gift of $10, or more, towards OCMC’s “Give 10 in 2010” initiative by following this link: You can also join the "Give 10 in 2010" Facebook Cause and/or donate at
For the cost of fast food meal you will be helping children, the elderly, and the infirm in some of the world’s most economically challenged regions as a loving witness to the Orthodox Christian faith. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Sincerely in Christ,
Kenneth Kidd
Annual Gifts Officer
Christ is Risen!
Your help is needed. Every year the Agape Canister Program, as a core component of OCMC's work to "make disciples of all nations," issues grants to numerous philanthropic projects like orphanages, medical clinics, and feeding programs around the world.
Please help us to fund this year’s grants. The efforts that these grants make possible are vital. In May, for example, an Agape grant will be used to purchase medicines for Uganda; and Fr. Stephanos Boik is counting on an Agape grant to help fund the St. Thomas House Orphanage, home to 25 Indonesian children, this July.
Please consider making a gift of $10, or more, towards OCMC’s “Give 10 in 2010” initiative by following this link: You can also join the "Give 10 in 2010" Facebook Cause and/or donate at
For the cost of fast food meal you will be helping children, the elderly, and the infirm in some of the world’s most economically challenged regions as a loving witness to the Orthodox Christian faith. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.
Sincerely in Christ,
Kenneth Kidd
Annual Gifts Officer
Monday, April 5, 2010
A Blessed Pascha from the Orthodox Christian Mission Center
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! We, the staff, board, and missionaries of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) pray that the light, hope, and salvation that we have longed for over the course of our Lenten Journey fills your heart with joy. In Christ’s triumphant Resurrection we have become partakers of eternal life. Join us in committing to share this gift with all of our brothers and sisters around the world so that we may, as one family and with one voice, celebrate the great feast of Pascha.
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